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How does our program work?

We were going to make this fancy but we're going to get straight to the point instead because we know you're ready to eat and make progress!

  1. Our plans are based on the amount of meals you need. We created plans based off the amounts most people ask for. If you need more or less meals, let us know!

  2. Once you choose the plan you need, you'll sign up and get a confirmation email.

  3. From there, you'll sign into your new account to activate your account.

  4. You'll then download the Everfit app on the App store or Google Play store.

  5. You'll then sign in using the same login you just created when you first signed up.

  6. As soon as you sign in you'll fill out a survey so we can gather information and know how to prep your foods. Have food allergies or foods you don't eat? This is where you'll enter this information as well!

  7. Our team will then get to work on your meal plan custom to your goals. If you rather just have general (large) portions regardless of your goals just let us know.

  8. Once you complete the survey, you'll see the dashboard of our app and you'll be able to view the weeks menu.

  9. Our menu rotates each week and includes 5-6 options which you'll receive an even split of each. For example, if you sign up for "Bronze" you'll get two of each option, for a total of 10.

  10. If there's something you rather not have or want more of just let us know before Friday and we'll adjust accordingly.

  11. Now you can just sit and wait until Sunday when our team delivers your meals between 6-10am depending on your location.

  12. If you have any questions feel free to email us or message us in the app once you're signed up!

  13. One final thing! Orders for Sunday delivery close Thursdays at 10pm. If you need to wait until Friday give us a heads up and we'll likely be able to accommodate but not guaranteed.

If you've read this far we appreciate you! As a token of our appreciation enjoy this discounted rate on our Bronze plan: Bronze discount

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